Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cameron's Soccer Game

Cameron was a lot more aggressive this time. He was getting in there and running around. He seemed to be a lot better, now that it is his second time playing. He scored a goal and touched the ball several times.

 Layne and Jeannine came to support him. Here is Papa and Kennedy.

 Tyson is awesome and stepped up to be the soccer coach. He did a great job. It is a lot of work trying to get those four year olds going in the right direction.
 Giving them some instruction at half time.
 Kennedy loved playong with Papa on the side lines. She want pink shoes and shin guards.
Aunt Jenn also came to support Cam. Thanks so much! Plus she did a great job taking some pictures. I was in charge of subs and was having a hard time doing anything else.

1 comment:

The Hull Family said...

Soccer is so much fun! Glad Cameron is enjoying it more the second time around. Owen is in soccer right now too. I need to blog about it because the whole experience has been pretty funny!!

Congrats on baby #3!!! I would of guessed you were going to have a boy too just because we've always been the same, but a girl is AWESOME!! I'm secretly a little jealous becuase now you get to dress two adorable girls, and isn't that the best part about having a girl???