Friday, September 30, 2011

Cameron is Playing Soccer

We signed Cameron up to play soccer. He has been so excited about it. It is pretty much adorable. He  just looks so grown up in his little uniform, shin guards, and cleats. His little friend Colton is playing on his team. He has had two games now and I don't know if the parents or the kids are enjoying it more.

 Here he is warming up with his coach. Thier team is Orange Crush. They play for 30 minutes, and basically warm up for just as long. They just run around and the coach tries to direct them. So funny!

 Here Cam is showing off his skills. He loves his knew green and black ball. Tyson told him it can only go on  the grass because it will get ruined on the sidewalk. Shortly after when they were playing pass Tyson kicked it on the sidewalk. You should of seen how concerned Cameron was for his knew ball. After checking it out he said, "but, it's okay dad, it's okay."
 Here he goes!!!
This was probably the high light of the first game. Right after he scored a goal (since he just happended to be cherry picking by the goal and the ball came). He kicked it a few times and then straight in, it was awesome! He was so excited!!!

The next game we had to talk about how it's okay if you don't score every game, and we need to not pick up the ball with our hands to line it up for the goal (may of tried that twice). All and all I think he is having fun, we still have some learning to do. Like not being upset when your team scores, because it wasn't you, and following the ball and not just wandering around. He seems to be getting the idea of the game better. We will see how the third game goes.
After the first week we asked him if he likes it and what his favorite part was and he said, "he didn't even know they were going to get a snack at the end". So take it for what it's worth.
GO CAMERON (Kennedy says this over and over on the sidelines)


The Hull Family said...

So fun!! Owen is dying to play soccer, but here you have to be four. Cameron looks so cute in his uniform.

Peach days looks like SOOO much fun! The shirts are hilarious!! One day Sami, one day we will make it to the famous peach days celebration.

Brett and Chelsea said...

Glad we've got a soccer player on your hands. Go Cameron! You're kids are growing up way too fast.