We (or I broke down and let Tyson buy it so he would stop looking at them on the internet) and bought the camera. Tyson absolutely loves it. We got it right before we left for Italy. If I didn't think he loved it before I was convinced on the trip. He took over 1,000 pictures. So, don't worry some of them are coming. Be excited!!!
Oh, it is a Cannon Rebel. If you want any of the other details you will have to ask Tyson about it.
YAY i can hardly wait! this is weird but lately once a day i have thought to myself "hmm, i wonder when sami and tyson will blog about italy." my dreams are coming true ;)
hey! please hurry and post. i miss you guys. i hope you had fun!
Congrats Tyson! I'm been (silently) rooting for you! Can we be rebel buddies now? (Great pictures too by the way.
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