We spent the week Christmas with the Joneses this year. Landon and Kimi came home from Seattle, so we all moved in with Layne and Jeannine for over a week. We did so many things, bowling, swimming, temple lights (kind of), going to the temple (while Jen babysat). All being sick together. Lots of movies, girls craft day, boys went skiing, and just lots of fun. 
The Nativity rein-acted. Jen the great wise men. This is the tree before Santa. Can you say spoiled.
Cam was a great Shepard. He loved having the star his dad made when he was a sunbeam.
Our little angel.
New cars PJ's.
Little miss princess with her PJ's.
Olivia so happy, on her first Christmas Eve.
Cameron and Papa.
1 comment:
It sounds like you had a way fun Christmas season. You seriously have the cutest ideas for kids! I think I am going to mooch off your ideas next year with Evie. :)
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