Layne and Jeannine were so nice to take us and the kids to Disneyland. We loved every minute of it. It was so nice to stay in a hotel right there. We even came home for lunch and attempted naps.
Cameron was so excited to be at Disneyland. After every ride he wanted to go on the next. He didn't get tired of it. They were both in heaven.
Layne, Cam, Jeannine, and Kennedy on Casey Junior the train. They had to go in the cage car.
Family shot before we went in to the park!
Dumbo! Cameron had it scoped out so he could get the one with the green hat!
Kennedy said Dumbo over and over. She also liked to go up!
The Peter Pan characters were right next to the exit of Dumbo, so we ran over and got a picture. Cameron was so funny about Hook, he was worried he was going to be mean.
He wouldn't look at him. But, he talked all about it afterwards. And we went on the ride too!
Kennedy and Tyson skipped out of the line for Dumbo and went on the carrousel while we waited.
Kennedy loved Minnie!
Cameron was so cute with Mickey and Kennedy got in the picture too!
He still loves this little train!
Two munchkins in the tea cups.
Kennedy got a toy Tigger and she loves giving it hugs.
Papa and Kennedy on Main Street waiting for the fireworks.
They almost made it. We wore them out!
Tyson tried to wake Cam up because he had been so excited to see them, but he was not budging. he say them in the hotel and on the way back.
We love DISNEYLAND!!!!
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