On Saturday we went to the near by mall and rode the train around. (Chanel, Brooklyn, and Gaige)
Brooklyn being so very cute!
Here's Chanel with Gaige.
Cam and I. He just loves trains and thought this was the best idea ever.
Then we took them to the pet store in the mall. Also a big hit!
We painted with pudding. By we I mean Brooklyn and I. This is probably the longest Cameron sat down. It was a great idea and Brooklyn really enjoyed it.
The cute kids on the chair watching Barney.
Here we are all playing ring around the rosie. It was one of their favorite things to do. Chloe even participated. Cameron was all about Chloe and kept asking her, "what are you doing?" It was quite comical.
Chanel had this colored sugar cookie dough that we played with.
Here is Cameron's blue tongue to prove that the dough tasted good.
We were singing songs after we made our cookies.
Of course it wouldn't be a California trip with out seeing the Ward's. So her is cute cousin Miley eating rice cereal. Ben, Sheri, and Miley came out to Chanel's Sunday night and then Sheri and Miley hung out with us until Tuesday. So fun!!
Here's Miley again in her car seat.
Hi Brooklyn. Everytime she saw me she would say, "Hi Sami"
On Tuesday we all invaded Chanel's ward playgroup. My cousin Holly and Owen came out to join us. It was so fun to see them. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures. Owen and Cam were loving playing together.
Oh Cousins!! Precious!!
They had many meals together!
They would each go in one side and meet in the middle and just fall over and laugh. It was pretty entertaining!
Here's cute Miley!
Cameron loved Brooklyn's tunnel.
Thanks again Chanel! We had such a good time! Can't wait until next time!
So FuN!!! I totally missed out. I need to come over and play with Cam and Sam.
I'm so bummed that we didn't get any pictures of Cameron and Owen together, they were too cute with that ball toy. We had a blast seeing you guys....can't wait to see you again!!
P.S. Thanks for the BYU info for my friend!
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