At the beach along the Oregon coast. Cold and rainy, but still pretty.
Cameron being oh so cute!
This was just too funny, so we had to get a picture. It's at the Pike's Market Place in Seattle.
We went to a Mariners game Saturday Night. They lost and Cam had one of his melt downs at the beginning, but it we still had fun.
On Sunday after church we went to the Falls in Seattle.
This was a beautiful lighthouse!
Here's the whole gang. Tyson's parents (Layne and Jeannine), brother (Landon), sister (Jen) and of course, Tyson, Cam, and me.
Look at Mr. Tyson the photographer go. He was all about pictures as you can imagine. (visual feast some might say, he he he)
Cam was such a trooper! He loved throwing rocks at the beaches.
We went and saw several light houses. They were very pretty!
We rode a ferry over to Victoria on Vancouver Island.
The sunset on the Ferry ride home!
What a fun trip (and great photos, Tyson)!
AH MAN!! We totally would have been all over you! And im bummed we didnt get to see you in utah either! next time for sure!
beautiful pics tys! this is a side of seattle/oregon we missed when we went to seattle for chris' UW interview... too much stress i guess.
Those are some really good pics Tyson. I am very impressed. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
I'm so jealous!
ummm...I totally love the trust-me shirt...cody totally tries that one on me...I am thinking another tee making night should happen soon!
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