He loves opening presents, he screams and gets very excited.
We were very excited to watch him eat cake. Here is the before picture. (He is looking at the balloon that you can't see)
This is the after. He was great entertainment.
Thanks to everyone that wished Cam a happy birthday and helped us celebrate his special day. He is very loved!! We really appreciate all the love you guys give to him. We couldn't imagine life with out him.
P.S. Seriously the day after his birthday he started taking steps. He just knew he turned one and is ready to walk. We are working on getting it more consistent so we can get some good pictures. Just thought you would like the little update. Love you all.
Happy Birthday Cameron!! He really dove into his birthday cake, which by the way is the cutest thing ever! What a sweet little boy! Wish we could have been there to help him celebrate!!
He is so stinking adorable. I love the cake all over his face. Those are the best pictures. We miss you guys!
Happy Bday Cam! We can't wait to get together again with you guys. What day next week looks good for you?
Hooray for the birthday boy!! Wow he is really to be roaming everywhere... is he "cruising" a bunch already? (I just learned that term recently). He's adorable. You guys make the cutest little family!
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