This is at the Ward Trunk or Treat Party. Cam was handing out in the trunk.
This is the ghost costume that Tyson wore when he was one. (Landon and Jenn also wore it, cute!)
Cam with his crazy scientist mother.
Here's the family!!
Tyson was a good sport and dressed up too. (Not far from what he will be wearing everyday, soon!)
Nice costumes!
I love it! You guys make excellent crazy scientists...:)
Cameron looks so cute in his costume! A lizard or a dinosaur? Either way he's super cute! I love that Tyson's mom still had Tyson's first Halloween costume, that is too precious!
Can't wait to see you guys!!!
Hey Tyson I just found your blog on Cody's blog. How is med school?
How cute is he...seriously and he is getting so big. We miss you guys tons.
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