Kid to Kid rocks! Regularly $70+...Kid to Kid price: $19! Sweet deal for an item that will entertain our little one for who knows how many hours. Cameron has seriously been loving his new Excer-saucer. It has all kinds of little toys on it and it swivels around one of it's three legs. So we put it in the kitchen and Cam scoots and walks all around. Then he jumps up and down and flails his arms in a fit of excitement overload, all-the-while screamin for joy at the top of his VERY healthy lungs. Man I love this kid....I mean how could you not. But he's getting huge...and a bit pudgy in the face. But what a head of hair.We call him our little Conan O'Brien. I don't be the judge.
1 comment:
Wow, he's getting so big! Love the hair! Hope you don't mind that I am snooping in on your life!
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