Monday, June 11, 2012

Cam's Preschool Graduation

Graduation BBQ

 We had such a fun time celebrating Tyson's big day with family and friends. It was so nice to have a home and backyard for people to enjoy. Thanks for all the love and support from family and friends.

Ivy's face sums it up. We were worn out, but had a lot of fun!!! Special shout out to Ben and Sheri for watching our kids during the graduation. Thanks so much, you rock!!!

Medical School Graduation

Dr. Jones did it!!! We are so proud of him.
The ceremony was very nice and he looked great. Here he is with his parents. 

 A family shot.

                                                              So proud of our daddy!!!

 Walking up to his seat during the ceremony. It was dark in there and hard to get pictures, but we got some great ones outside.
 The Joneses (Jeannine, Layne, Tyson, and Jennifer)

 Tyson and his sister.
 The four years was worth it. I can't believe the day actually came. In some ways it was long, in other ways it went by too fast. he worked so hard and it is so exciting that he is a doctor. way to go Tyson!!!
 My parents and Tyson and I.

 Here's the real Tyson. Still a kid at heart. Nice babe.

 Tyson with his buddies Jack and Chris. It is sad to say goodbye to everyone, but we are so excited for them.
 Us, the Stringhams, and the Thacker's.
Tyson and Jon. They are so excited to work together at Primary Children's.

 Ty and I with the Schmidts.
Our buddy Hale (from our ward) graduated with Tyson as a PA. We are very excited for them to get back to Hawaii.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Medical Graduation Dinner/Banquet

 Jack and Melissa Stringham
 Tyson and I
 Jonny and Melinda Frandsen
 The girls Melinda, me, Camie, Melissa, and Michelle.
We had such a good time at the dinner celebrating with all the wonderful people we have met during medical school. Not everyone was in the picture, but we made some great friends. It is crazy that they are done with this part of the journey. Most of them are headed off in different directions. It made the whole experience a little bitter sweet. We couldn't of done it with out all of you!

Dinner/babysitting with Jen

Aunt Jen is awesome! She watched the kids while Tyson and I went to his medical school dinner. She planned all these fun things to do with them. They made pizza dinners, watched a show in cars, made instruments, had yummy treats, and were just spoiled rotten. The best part was they were asleep when we got home. Jen did an amazing job. Thanks! Also the kids had a great time!!

T-Ball and Soccer Ended

 Tyson was the hero. He not only stepped up to be the soccer coach, but the T-Ball coach as well. Cameron had a great time playing both and improved a lot on both teams. he was so excited to play T-Ball that he slept in his uniform the first night. Kennedy was a great fan and loved attending the many games. (may of went over board with t-ball Monday and Wednesday and soccer on Saturday). We had a good time though!