Thursday, April 22, 2010

More California

Cute picture of Staci and Kennedy at the book party in the park.

We went swimming that afternoon, and Brooklyn showed us what she has been learning at her lessons.

Here we all are. My mom watched us and Kennedy on the side.

Cam loving hanging out at Ben and Sheri's house.

Brooklyn and Cam pretending the couch is a horse.

She loves her tummy time, and is a pro at holding that head up.

We spent one day shopping and Cam loved the fountain. Kennedy was an angel and slept the whole tme.

Friday, April 16, 2010


So my sister, mom, me and the kids took off for a long weekend to California. It was a ton of fun. We left Wednesday night and crashed at my aunt and uncle's in St. George and then woke up and did the rest of the drive Thursday. As soon as we pulled into Sheri's we unloaded and headed to the beach. It was suppose to be the nicest day while we were there. Plus Cameron had been talking about the beach since Monday. I made the mistake of mentioning it, and he had been standing by the door with his bucket and shovel ever since. I got him to relax a little by saying it was far way and after a long drive we would get there. He was still so excited!!

Sisters (Sheri, Me, and Staci)

Sheri has this cool pop-up tent that Kennedy chilled in.

She is a fan of the beach!

Cousin Miley being cute. She is at the busy stage, where she can't sit still. So cute!

Tried to take a family picture, but Cam couldn't look away from the sand, especially the sand sifter.

Later that night we went on a nice walk to the park.

Grandma and Miley on the horse.

Cam joing in on the fun!

Bear Pajamas

Tyson loved these pajamas when Cameron wore them, so we thought it would be fun to have Kennedy try them out too! The top picture is Cam and then the bottom picture is Kennedy. Cameron loves when Kennedy wears these. He just looks at her and laughs and says, "Kennedy the Bear"

I think they look related, but very different.

Cute Kids

Easter Fun!

Here are some Easter things we did before Easter. The actual weekend of Easter, we forgot our camera so that post is to come.

This is the 1200 Court Easter Egg Hunt I planned as RA

Cam was so cute about it, but I don't think he knew the eggs had candy because we had been hiding them around the house empty all week. So, he would find the eggs and throw them. He soon discovered they all had candy inside.

We dyed Easter Eggs together as a family. We learned from Family Fun the magazine to put the egg in a whisk and then children can handle them better. Great tip, worked like a champ.

Had to throw a picture of Kennedy in, because she is just so cute!